Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Why I can't be gay

Other than the obvious reasons of my obsession with boobies (they are just so awesome) and my love for anything vagina, I realize that I can't be gay because I don't fit any of the gay stereotypes. And that is how we identify ourselves. I know I am a Limey Mic because I love drinking and shamrocks as well as ridiculous soccer matches and drinking. Anyways I am obviously no the fashionalbe gay man (I like to point to say a Queer Eye Homosexual classification) I am not the Bear, the big hair one, I am just not hairy enough. I don't really like shopping or theater, I am not old and creepy ( I am only 18 wait a while). I am not clean and neat, I am not a trucker or a big fat biker, and I don't go to the YMCA. I don't weight lift ridiculously, and I surely don't enjoy Dressing up as a women (in public, what I do in my room is my business.) Although I do want to be a cop, I will never dress up like one while I am off duty, that also goes for construction worker, sailor, Indian or cowboy. I refuse to think guys on TV are cute, except Donald Rumsfeld, He is a sexual Tyranasaur. that and most importantly my butt, (I know your all having flashbacks of moonings, pressed hams, rude awakenings, and turkey Gobbles) Is a one way street, anbd that is a traffic law I intend to obey. After reading this if you feel that I am being racist toward homosexuals than you are very wrong, it is a list not of hate, but of reasons why I can't join their prestigious club, so stop calling me.

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