Sunday, August 22, 2004

Today I took a road trip to Baltimore with my family. On the way we made a rest stop because my mom and I had to pee. This happens occasionally to all guys so I don't feel embarassed to say I had some preformance anxiety. That's right I couldn't make it go. Not that the 250lbs of hairy trucker less than 8 inches away was a huge help. At the risk of sounding gay (see Reasons I can't be gay) I think they should redo mens bathrooms giving us a little more room. I think any closer than 2 feet apart and I should get a divider. nothing huge, I don't need a stall, but something that will block from nipple to mid thigh height. Ladies (I know there is throngs of you reading this because I alter my writings to highlight many femine qualities, like one time I said breasts instead of boobies) If you have never been in a guys bathroom go one time, and look how close things are together, I admit you would need to get rid of one or two urinals, but I would gladly wait another 30 seconds for a little elbow room.

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