Thursday, August 19, 2004


Lots of people bad mouth the pope. And that is upsetting because the pope is the coolest guy ever. First off he has his own country. Who else has that, George Bush, and look how he handles it. Seriously the queen even sucks at having her own country. Plus his country can go by Vatican City II or the more popular movie title sounding V2. V2 sounds like he is going to muff someone up with a huge gun. Still not convinced, look at that badass hat, what the hell is he hiding in there, what ever it is, it sure is big.....and pointy. You could put a big machine gun there. with lots of ammo. V2 the popes revenge. OK are you still not convinced then this last half ass arguement will surely make you indifferent. He has his own Mobile right. Who else has that, Batman that's right, Batman has the Bat Mobile and the pope has his mobile. The popemobile is pure hottness. And you just can't stop us Catholics. We don't believe in Birth Control so we just keep reproducing.

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