Tuesday, August 24, 2004

I am going to miss all of my friends when I leave, so if I haven't told you that, then I probably hate you and hope you die a terrible death of writhing pain that lasts for a thousand days, every morning you get up and plead for death, but the grim reaper refuses to show his bony ass to take your pittiless soul. Just kidding if I haven't told you I was going to miss you then I have just been so busy telling my important friends how much I am not going to miss you at all. Infact I was just over with the cool people at the local hangout and we were saying about how little we were going to miss the people I hadn't said goodbye too. Ok well that's not true either, but really if I didn't take the time to let you know what you meant to me it's because I have been busy doing stuff, like cutting grass, packing, pretending to be busy online, basically anything to avoid talking to you, hell I even organized my dogs toys alphabetically and then by size and color. Also not true, In all honestly if you haven't seen me it's probably a combination of all three.

Ok lets start over then,

I am going to miss you all even if I didn't get to tell you in person, trust me you all mean more to me then I could ever tell you anyways. Except for you Dwight I can sum that up in about 2 words. Butt Buddy.
Look for new posts from College, they will sound smarter, and stuff.

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