Sunday, November 13, 2005

Theory of Change Reproduction

Some one the other day asked why I had an assload (actually equivelent to 1/4 of a shitfukc, also equal to 2 hooplas, or 8 slews) of pennies through out the crevices, nooks, and crannies of the nonnamed mobile. You may think that this was because I have no organizational skills and just allow the change to fall as it may throughout the unnamed autocar, but you are wrong, dead wrong, and if you're not careful, maybe just dead. I have a theory that multitudes of pennies, unwatched for an extended period of time will eventually evolve into several nickles, and when these nickles are mixed with other nickles from different areas, then eventually dimes will be formed. This also applies to quarters, but that is where my research ends because at that point I harvest the highest evolved form and place it in receptacles that allow me to park. some people say this theory is complete crap and you can asume that nickles and dimes just get mixed in with the pennies. I say to these people, OK, because I don't really know that much about sciences and therorisimissm (<-- This is a product of my theory of word break down, where it's not the commonly believed fact that I can't spell, but more of a failure of my brain to connect correctly to the fingers that do the typing.)

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