Sunday, November 06, 2005

Mandatory STD

First off, I heard that there is a movement to call STD's, STI's now, because the word infection is better then desease. It seems to me that most people who have an STD weren't considering their genitals feelings when the got it, so why do I have to worry about offending them by saying they have a disease. But my thought process as always marched forward across the borders of sanity and into the realm of ridiculousness. Having an STD or STI is a huge deterant to having unprotected sex. I think we can all agree, the idea of reliving a terrible feeling of fire every time you urinate is enough to make you want to wrap that shit up. But what about the kids who are just starting their sexual careers, the rookies if you will, I have developed a program where apon reaching puberty they are infected with a curable, but terrible STD just to make sure they are careful when they are ready to do the horizontal slide. We then let them enjoy it for a month and then fix them up. I am not talking anything serious or deadly, and no viruses, just a quick dose of the clap or the Sif to make sure they get the point.

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