Monday, October 11, 2004

World Domination, eh too much work, NORTH AMERICA DOMINATION

People set their goals too high. The world is a big place with a lot of people who aren't going to like you too much. And they might have rocks or bullets and that would be bad if you got hit with either of those. SO revise your goals and take an easier route. I've chosen North America Domination. That's a lot of dominating Jon, How could you ever do that? Well I will tell you, First off is the hard part, become president. I am might just have to rig an election to get it but it's for the greater good and all that. So anyways I will declare War on Canada within a week of my acceptance of the Presidency. I will just say canada has a big program to make nukes out of Lumber, and show the Canadain national Lumber production numbers and people will be scared. (honestly who needs that much wood.) Anyways we will move up and go in with huge bags of trash and just litter everywhere. The general Canadian populace will be so busy picking things up and making their country clean again they will never see the massed troops shooting their way through their towns. Anyways after I declare total victory I will decree that a state quarter be minted and Canada be admitted as the 51st state. The Maple Leaf State. Their quarter will have some hockey sticks and a pitcher of syrup. And as a way to keep the their broken populace under check I will force them all to wear Mounty Costumes and become park rangers for America's Largest National Park : CANADIA. Meanwhile I figure all the mexicans will have snuck into Nevada, Arizona, Texas and California so we will just march down there and plant a few flags down and call it a day. And that is how I can dominate North America, maybe I will get greedy later and go for something else, but if a continent can't keep you busy, you may want to have a serious session with a doctor in the field of psychology.

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