Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Sorry everyone

Hey sorry I have been on here in a while, the truth is that I was abducted by aliens and forced to write for them, needless to say I am back, something about insuffient funniness and encreased enjoyment of frequent anal probes. OH Well. Wait that's not the truth. The real truth is I have been busy at school and at life. Some for the good, some for the not so good. But I promise soon I will be back to my old self. Lewd and Obnoxious.
Here is a few little things that I was thinking about.
An improvement for the NO TRESPASSING: Violaters will be Prosecuted.
Shorten it and just wait TRESPASSERS WILL BE VIOLATEd. I would be sure to steer clear of that place.
Peer Pressure all the cool kids are doing it.
and also,
Don't try to seceed from the union. It is not very funny, and people get mad at you for being an asshole. Yeah that about sums it up.

1 comment:

Squish said...

happy halloween!!...and whatnot