Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Life Goals

Ok now that I realize I just might live to 21 and past it I decided I might need some direction in those years following. Therefore I have compiled a list of things I want to do before I die. or am attached to a super action death robot to lead my evil minions in a sweep across the war torn world. (I won't have a lot of time for fun when I am a death robot)

1. Climb Mt McKinnley: I have always wanted to beat a mountian and I can't think of a better one than the tallest in America

2. See lava with my own eyes: yeah it looks cool as hell on TV so I am sure it looks much cooler being there. Also if I have any enimies I could toss them into said lava at that time.

3. Eat Puma meat: Preferably one that I hunted but I won't be picky.

4. Write a book: probably of the childrens variety cause I just love pictures

5. Visit all of the continents: This one isn't that funny at all, but the next one should make up for it.

6. Chase a penguin: Don't get me wrong I love the little guys but whenever I see them waddling around I just want to chase them around and totally dominate in a game of tag

7. Sky dive 5 times: I think doing it once is not enough, but anything over 5 times is just pushing your luck

8. Brew my own beer: This one will be pretty easy with the whole family of alcohol that I come from, but I still really want to do it.

9. Sleep for 24 hours: Seriously I want to wake up one day and just wonder what the hell happened.

10. Visit all 50 States: I have to know if Wyoming really exists or if it's just a black hole

11. Survive for a week in the Wilderness: Yeah that's right I have to be Macho, and that is my
best shot at it.

12. Hike all of the App. Trail: by sections, not all at once. thats just buck wild craziness

That's about it so far. So I can't die until I do all of those things. (or accept my new metal body either)

1 comment:

Jade said...

haha...fascinating!great read:>