Monday, December 05, 2005
When will it end
The other night I was at a resturant or eating hole if you will, and I noticed on the table there was a little recpiticle for the jellies. Personally I perfer to peruse the preserves before I partake. (Yeah just getting some allertation rolling) Well my journey through the jellies would jump to a junction I could never have imagined (OK that's the last one for a while). Anyways I found a jelly marked Diet Grape. DIET Jelly. OH yeah let that one soak in for a bit. Yep all the way in there, to the bone. Uh huh, too many callories in that regular jelly. I know I feel bloated after some toast if I use the regular Jelly. Maybe not buttering the toast would help. Actually according to the packet, the diet variant had 11 calories compaired the obviously over endulgant 30 sported by most REGULAR grape jellies. At what point do the 19 calories really make or break your diet. That 19 calories equates to about (this part is mostly collage specific show my younger readers may not eat these foods) 1/20 of a bowl of Ramen noodles, a 10th of a cup of cocoa, a few noodles of easy mac, and 1/21st of a bag of butter popcorn. I also figured it's approximately 1/30th of a can of baked beans, possibly a piece of peperonni, or a pickle from a McDonalds Sandwich. SO I say take the pickles off your hamburger, or don't eat those few kernels of popcorn that fall on the floor, and go ahead and splurge, get the real jelly. (see I didn't even make a comment about the word splurge, ah who am I kidding, its such a silly word) Anyways yes I did taste the diet jelly and it tasted like doo doo. It had a flavor not unlike watered down, flat grape soda.
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A few weeks back, I was looking at my container of Ice Breakers Sours candy (I swear, that does NOT sound like an advertisement...). On the front is printed "Not a low calorie food." And on the nutrition label? "Calories: 0." Apparently zero is no longer a low number, and the concept has no meaning to me any longer. I'm baffled.
-Jan Jan
P.S. This is what part of the alphabet would look like if Q and R were eliminated
P.P.S. I miss you Jon Hawkins
thank you very much For an outstanding comment, and a time honored mitch hedberg quote. I am looking forward to seeing you when I get home and I am "all emcompassingly" looking forward to CPD.
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