I have noticed something. yeah that's a sentence. Subject (that's the I) and the predicate (the rest of those words). I have noticed people clearly mis-use the away message. I think it's purpose is to let other people know where you are and when you will be back, if at all. Too many people are now putting up songs (ok I do this sometimes, but only on occasions so ridiculous you wouldn't believe me if I told you where I was.) or write the most saddest and depressing things. (almost as depressing as my grasp of the english language in that last statement.) Seriously if you are mad at some one or they are making you upset, tell them. this underhanded little message crap ain't really doing it. I think those depressing messages kinda force the other people to ask you what's wrong. That is why for the most part I just respond ridiculously to them. Like if it says something along the lines of "Too sad to sleep" I like to write back, "There's always nightquil". Or I got this one the other day "You don't know what you do to me" ; a great response to that one is "Yes we do, it's fun for everyone, well maybe not YOU". This may make me an unfeeling asshole, but, well it does make me an unfeeling asshole. And that's cool because I shouldn't have to feel for you over the internet just cause you aren't happy. On the opposite side of the away message spectrum (the spectrum actually vibrates somewhere between Ultra Violet and MegaUber Violet. ) you have the overly excited persons with messages littered with smiley faces. I am kinda miffed at the whole smiley thing to begin with. If the person you are talking to can't figure out if you are happy or sad with out some little animated dot going buck wild then they are the unfeeling asshole. Wait I am the unfeeling asshole. Ok they can be the socially numb colon. that's some quality name makery right there. I would like to set a limit to Smileys per message. I think AIM shouldn't let people put more then 1 smiley per every 3 lines of text. Also while we are at it, lets please limit our use of exclamation points. To me, 1 of those little buggers means I am yelling it. When you go upwards of 3 then you have crossed the line from loud to threshold of pain. If you want to stress something, use the underline, but don't make your sentence look as if it is emerging from a forest of excalamation points.
Holy shit it is scary in that forest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyways please stop the thinly veiled attacks on one another as well. If you're pissed, then get mad, don't just leave a poorly thought out away message up and then just hide behind it to see what the other person writes. Those are messages I like to respond to as well. Ridiculously as possible. (<--- Not a sentence)
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