Friday, September 09, 2005

Jive ass turkeys

While driving through downtown Pittsburgh there is a few things one expects to see, yes these include bums, pitt students almost getting hit by busses, people with bundles of clothes in their arms doing the walk of shame, But there are a few things I don't expect to see in south Oakland and one of those things is wild turkeys. Yeah just let that one settle in, and notice I said turkeyS because 1 wasn't enough, 3, wild ass turkey (they were very wild) just strutting down a back alley way looking for trouble. There was a huge male turkey (I believe the correct term is "pimp gobbla") and 2 of his female counter parts ("the breast meat" if you will, OH you won't? that is it we are fighting.) So what did I do when I encountered this half flock of turkeys, I did what any self respecting person would do and sped up, but instead of scattering they just stayed there, and because I think a turkey might actually do some damage to my grill I had to stop and let these feathery bastards strut along the street. I tried honking but the only response was for the male to stop and look at me, then he went right back to his leasurely pace crossing the alley. I think this is a sign from the gods, some crazy ass shit is going to go down, and i have a bad feelings it's going to involve 3 very badass turkeys.

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