Saturday, October 02, 2004

People always come up to me and ask, "How can you relate Sandwiches to a Constitutional Amendment?" and I am all like "Well as I see it Sandwiches with pickles in them are stupid. There is a lot of sandwich and a little bit of pickle. so your only going to get 1 maybe 2 bites of pickle, and it's not the best flavor to be surprised by. Eating a McDonals cheeseburger with Pickles is like play Russian roulette. And how crappy is Russia if their roulette is taking a revolver, and having a 1 in 6 chance of killing yourself. Can you imagine what the rest of their casino is like. What would Russian Black Jack be if that is how they play Roulette. When you asked to get hit, you actually do. And don't get over 21, becuase when you bust, they bust your kneecaps. And speaking of busting knee caps, what is the mob been up to lately, I think the only thing organized crime has done recently is be made fun of by shows like the Sapranos. What happened to the cool shit they used to pull bank hiests, and run booze in from Canada, and use tommy guns and other cool mob stuff. That's right the reappealed Prohabition and all the cool shit stopped. so finally I will look at the subject of Prohabition and how retarded that was, what the hell were we thinking, what would college students do on the weekends? Bitch" and they are all like "OK thanks"

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